Sunday, August 21, 2011

Silicon glass used for data storage for lifelong forever

Silicon glass 
                                        Radially polarized optical vortex converter created by femtosecond laser nanostructuring of glass has been created,by a team led by Professor Peter Kazansky at the University’s Optoelectronics research center, describe how they have u
sed nano-structures to develop new monolithic glass space-vari
 ant polarisation converters.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Search for the 'GOD PARTICLE'

The higgs-boson, the so-believed key in the formation of the universe billions of years ago! For many centuries man has been in search of it. Recently the CERN research experiment is on the way to discover it. Recently the Tevatron collider is also hinting at the search of higgs boson. But the hints seen at the Tevatron are weaker than those reported at the LHC, but occur in the same "search region". Scientists have cautioned that these hints would soon disappear after further analysis. 
The Large Hadron Collider - The largest man-made structure

Thursday, August 4, 2011


The Transparent Li-ion Battery
                      Transparent electronics is an emerging and promising technology for the next generation of optoelectronic devices. Transparent devices have been fabricated for various applications, including transistors, optical circuits displays, touch screens, and solar cells. However, a key component in portable electronics, the battery, until now had bee unsuccessful in staking its place in transparent optoelectronics.