Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Ultimate Slow-Mo

High-speed photography
Image credit: premiumbeat
Ever thought what the world would look like if time went slow all around you? Well, it has become possible to get a glimpse of the fast world around in a frozen-time like scenario; thanks to the high-speed cameras. Now researchers have developed an ultra high-speed camera which can record images at about trillion frames per second, dividing a single second into trillion intervals. So how do they do it?

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Getting Rid of Friction by Nanoengineering

Illustration: Christine Daniloff/MIT and Alexei Bylinkskii
 Rub your palms together and you feel warm, that's friction at work. Though friction is a boon when it lets us walk on the ground without slipping, it is a bane as well when it dissipates energy in machines. Now, a new technique enables zero friction between two surfaces by controlling the alignment and spacing between atoms.